How’s this for a cool job? Ben, 22, traded his home in Brighton for one in Bermuda, where he worked as a dolphin trainer! Check out his great story.
What job are you doing?
I worked as a dolphin trainer.

Work with Dolphins in Bermuda
Why did you choose to work there?
I have a friend who works here and she recommended their internship program to me.
How did you find the job (website, paper, etc.)?
Initially through my friend, and then the Dolphin Quest website
Can you describe your day to day routine?
Assisting in the training, feeding and veterinary care of the dolphins. Running interactive swim programs with guests. Preparing fish, washing buckets and various other daily duties. Also helping in other areas of the facility including photography and guest services.
What is the salary like?
It’s an unpaid internship but a great way to gain experience in marine mammal care.
Is accommodation included?
Accommodation is not included but there is intern accommodation available at the facility at a cost of $40 per night. (£20 per night)
Would you recommend this type of job?
If you like dolphins and have an interest in working with animals this type of job is definitely for you! There’s lots of hands on experience and the opportunity to learn about these amazing animals.
Do you need to be qualified?
Although not required, it helps to have a degree in biology or psychology and also some previous experience working with animals.
What’s the night life like?
The night life in Bermuda is good but it depends on the time of year. The island is quite reliant on tourism and therefore outside the holiday months it can get pretty quiet.
Are there other things to do like sports/beach/tourist attractions?
Bermuda is a small island, there are many amazing beaches and also some great golf courses. The tourist attractions include an aquarium and zoo and a maritime museum.
Have you made some new Friends?
Of course. The crew at Dolphin Quest Bermuda are all extremely friendly and happy to help teach all the things you need to know. They are a great bunch of people and I will be staying in contact with all of them.
Do you plan to work abroad again?
My intention is to try and get a permanent position as a trainer and this will mean working abroad as dolphin training opportunities are limited in England!!
Do you feel this experience will help you with your career?
Without a doubt, participating in this internship will only help to improve my CV and provide me with the experience I need to find a position in the field of marine mammal care.
Tell us about the best and worst bits!
Working with animals can be hard work. There are lots of buckets to scrub and fish to prepare. But if you don’t mind getting elbows deep in fish guts then you can endure the worst this job has to offer!
Obviously working with the dolphins is amazing, I also worked with 3 baby dolphins which had been born in June, working with them was definitely a great experience. It was really interesting to see the early stages of their development. Working so closely with them really gives you the opportunity to get to know each one individually.
Building a relationship with the animals and learning their personalities is definitely one of the highlights of the job!