Meet a happenin’ DJ who’s working abroad in Ibiza. Sam, AKA Miss Divine, is originally from Bristol but moved to London. She has been spending summers in Ibiza, a top Europe clubbing spot.
Where are you working?
I work at Hush in Ibiza.

Sam - Working as a DJ in Ibiza
What job are you doing?
Resident DJ and Music co-coordinator.
Why did you choose to work there?
I played at Hush in 2005 and was asked back to be the resident DJ for the following year.
What’s your day to day routine?
Sleep, eat, sunbath, work.
What’s the salary like?
Very good.
Is accommodation included?
No I had to find my own apartment.
Would you recommend this type of job?
Yes to anyone that is serious about DJing.
Do you need to be qualified?
No but you do need a skill.
What’s the night life like?
Amazing, we’re talking about Ibiza here, the party capital of the world.
Are there other things to do like sports/beach/tourist attractions?
Apart from Raving, Ibiza is a beautiful island with lots to do.
What’s so good about working there?
I’m doing my dream job 5 nights a week and on my nights off I’m seeing my fave DJs play.
Did you make some new Friends?
Yeah you make new friends everyday but the best part is seeing old faces that come out every year.
Tell us about the best and worst bits!
The best thing is you get to party with all your friends when they come over on holiday, I can’t think of anything negative about spending the whole summer in Ibiza, anyways I don’t think you could publish any stories I could tell you (laughs). If you’re looking for work at a European beach resort then try Ibiza for sure.
My best memory is playing @ Amnesia for Cream with Steve Angelo. It has been a lifelong ambition to play at a super club in Ibiza and that was made possible last summer…I was shaking so much with adrenaline when I finished that I nearly collapsed, all my friends were there to support me.
I also run my own night in Ibiza with a brilliant team, the night is called La Vita. We launched the brand in London last year and then decided to take it to Ibiza, we had an amazing summer and now look to take the brand to other countries as well as Ibiza again this summer! Our overall aim is create awareness for breast cancer and already we have raised over £10,000 which we have donated to Breakthrough!
Do you plan to work abroad again (or have you since you worked there)?
Yes I will work in Ibiza every year until my body can’t take it anymore.
Do you feel this experience will help you with your career?
Yes it’s helped 100%; it’s given me the confidence to play to crowds from all over the world.
Out of interest did you go to College or Uni in the UK?
No, I always knew I wanted to play records besides I didn’t have time for further education as I was always out partying.
What advice do you have for people who want to work in Ibiza this summer?
Well read this magazine for starters! And the best website to use is it has apartments, club nights, tickets, etc….for jobs check out the Ship Inn when you get here and try and get here as early as April if you can so that you can check out what’s happening and tell people about yourself. Remember that thousands of people come to Ibiza and want to work for the summer, so you have to be good at what you do and be prepared to work hard in any job or your boss has another 1000 people to choose from that will do anything just to stay on the island.